Call for papers

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit high-quality full draft papers (6-8 pages, IEEE format). All submissions are subject to a peer-review process by the technical program committee. Accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE for publication. At least one of the authors of each accepted contribution is expected to register for the conference and to present the paper.

See conference leaflet.


Probability theory, Bayesian inference, nonlinear estimation, Dempster-Shafer, fuzzy sets, logic, machine learning, neural networks, distributed architectures.

RGB and depth cameras, radar and sonar, laser scanner, infrared sensors. IMU
Tracking and localization, SLAM, perception, AI in robotics, cognitive systems, sensor registration, big data, sensor management, distributed sensor systems, recognition, visual servoing, learning by demonstration.
Sensor networks, multi-robot systems, distributed and cloud robotics, bio-inspired systems, service robots, automation, biomedical applications, autonomous vehicles (land, sea, air), navigation, Internet-of-Things, smart cities, cyber-physical systems, Industry 4.0, search/rescue/audition, field and swarm robotics, force and tactile sensing.

Paper Submission

Guidelines for Paper Submission

Submitted papers published in the MFI 2024 Conference Proceedings must meet IEEE and RAS standards and requirements. These apply to the post-conference distribution of the Conference Proceedings as well, including submission to IEEE Xplore. Submitted papers must strictly adhere to the formatting instructions. The papers must be at least 4 pages long and should not exceed 6 pages. A regular registration without discounts includes one paper. Papers up to 8 pages are permitted, but extra page charges apply for each page beyond the 6 page limit.

Formatting and Templates

All papers must be formatted according to the IEEE RAS template (letter size paper). Templates and other supporting files can be downloaded using the following links:

Detailed instructions and support for the templates are provided under the links.

Use these templates to prepare the initial papers and final papers

Final paper submission instructions

Final paper submission sould be submitted to the CMT site of the MFI'2024 conference before the submission site deadline August 16, 2024. Please note the following:

  • The maximum length of the final paper is 6 pages. If you need more space, up to 2 additional pages can be purchased at 50€ (including VAT) per page during registration.
  • The submitted files must pass the IEEE Xplore compliance test performed by the PDF Express service. For login and/or registration to the IEEE PDF Express site use conference ID 62651X.
  • In order for your paper to be published in the IEEEXplore proceedings, you should fullfill the following tasks:
    • The IEEE copyright form must be submitted during the final paper (camera-ready) upload at CMT. Note that the link is available at submission form of the CMT.
    • At least one author must register using the registration form by the final paper submission deadline and present the paper at the conference.
  • In case the you paper is a student paper (i.e. the first author is student) don't forget to mark the the final paper as such upon the submission in the CMT.
  • Please download this PDF file of your manuscript and upload it to the CMT submission system.

Compatibility Test (IEEE PDF eXpress)

  • Go to the IEEE PDF eXpress website at
  • Click on 'New User' to create your own IEEE PDF eXpress account for MFI 2024 using the Conference ID 62651X.
  • If you have used IEEE PDF eXpress before, the system will recognize you as an existing user, but you still need to set up your account for MFI 2024.
  • Upload source file(s) for conversion and/or PDF(s) for checking. The site contains extensive instructions, resources, helpful hints, and access to technical support.
  • Proofread the generated PDF file thoroughly. There could be missing symbols, equations, graphs, and also reported errors. If you have reported errors, please update the source file and repeat the conversion process. If the problem persists, please use the online help provided on the IEEE PDF eXpress site.

Call for Special Sessions

The Organizing Committee of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration (IEEE MFI 2024) is welcoming proposals for Special Sessions on the theory and application of multi-sensor fusion and integration. Proposals that address “breaking news” research or topics that go beyond the typical approaches or may be difficult to categorize for the regular sessions are of particular interest.

Special Session Proposal Requirements

Each proposal must include:

  • the title of the proposed special session,
  • a short session abstract, including the significance of the topic and the rationale for the proposed session,
  • a list of four or more invited papers including a tentative title, author list, and a short abstract for each paper.
  • As a prospective special session organizer, we further invite you to chair your special session yourself as well as support us during the reviewing process.

Special Session Approval Process and Paper Review Process

Special session proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic, relevance to the field of information fusion, number of potential papers (assessed from the list of invited papers), as well as the qualifications of the organizers. Once the proposal has been approved, it will be included among the sessions available for authors to submit their papers to.

All papers submitted to a special session will be reviewed through the same review process as the regular papers of the conference to ensure that contributions are of high quality. If a special session has more papers accepted than the schedule can accommodate, some of the papers might be moved to other relevant sessions.

Submission Instructions

Please submit your proposal by May 5th via e-mail to

You may also contact the special session chairs via this e-mail address in case of any question concerning your (planned) special session proposal for MFI 2024.

Call for Tutorials

The Organizing Committee of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration (MFI 2024) is welcoming proposals for Tutorials on the theory and application of multi-sensor fusion and integration.

Theme and Topics of Interest

Proposals for tutorials may cover the conference's topics of interest as found in the MFI 2024 Call for Papers. Other areas where multisensor fusion and integration are applicable are especially encouraged. Examples include but are not limited to fusion of soft and hard data, deep learning, fusion for cybersecurity, autonomous systems, and robotics. Tutorial length will be 3 hours.

Tutorials should cover a single topic in detail and should present the state of the art about a frontier topic, enabling attendees to fully appreciate the current issues, main schools of thought and possible application areas.

Tutorial proposals should not exceed 2 pages and should contain the following information:

  • Title of the proposed tutorial.
  • Intended audience and prerequisites for the attendees' background knowledge.
  • Description of the tutorial, including the learning objectives and a short summary of the material to be presented.
  • Biographical sketch(es) of the instructor(s) including previous lecture and tutorial experience

Submission Instructions

Proposals should be submitted by May 31st in plain text or PDF, by email to with the subject: 'MFI 2024 Tutorial Proposal'.

Important dates

May 5, 2024

Special sessions proposal submission

May 24, 2024

Extended deadline June 21, 2024 (AoE)

Full paper submission

May 31, 2024

Tutorial proposal submission

July 5, 2024

July 19, 2024

Notification of acceptance

August 2, 2024

August 16, 2024

Final paper submission

August 20, 2024

Deadline for participant registration

September 4-6, 2024

Conference on Wednesday to Friday (first day – tutorials)